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Writer's picture: zenganijoyouszimbazenganijoyouszimba

At about March and April 2020, the theme of this book was impressed upon me and I could not rest in heart. The Question in my heart was, "How is a Christian Nation ought to stand in times of Pestilence, famine, natural disasters etc."? What sought of disposition and voice are our National Leaders and the Church supposed to project in such circumstances? What life giving actions will when applied bring hope for the people for tomorrow?

The world is looking for Leadership just as our Nation needs to hear "The Voice of their Leaders", when despair sets in. For example the National Outlook after the outbreak of Covid Nineteen revealed lots of gaps on our Leadership catch at providing direction and hope to the Nation. As an Author and Messenger of God, the break of Covid Nineteen brought about much revelation about where we are standing as a Nation and, National and Church Leaders inclusive. Personally, I felt there was No Voice to Speak for God and Relay God's Mind to the Nation. From that date until now, God's theme about what this Nation require to focus on, ponder on and consider while on the path to recovery and restoration have been highlighted in this book.

This book intends to Reconcile our efforts at Knowing Who We are, where we come from, why we are where we are today, and where we want to be in the future tomorrow? These Questions define our Identity. This book works to reconcile our Identity and our Oneness. This book works to Reconcile the Church with the State, Religion with the Church, and Religion with the State. This book works to reconcile the Church itself. Furthermore, this book works to reconcile some visible governance issues as they relate to the attainment of a progressive and prosperous Christian Nation. For we cannot in totality separate Religion or the Church from the State.. because in a wider sense, for example, in our culture, the Church or Religion and the State save the same objects and are serviced by the same persons and agents so are the institutions.

As the Author of this book, I invite you to read this because I am convinced there is an extreme light on the meaning and interpretation of the Christianity of a Nation. In this book, the Author raises to the many readers of this book, the facts that the religious identity of a Nation is not a faced, a sham or indeed a veil of religiosity over that Nation, neither is it fictional or unreal, rather it is factual, real and existential.

Different schools of thought have suggested so far in practice the practical methods or designs for Christianising a Nation. There are so far many designs on how to go about this establishment of which one of them is through enshrining the Christian Nationhood clause or declaration in the preamble of the Constitution although this does not give it the legal force aforethought.


The Author has seen it fit to call for a larger population especially of Zambia to read this work as it is liberatory to both individual lives and National perspectives about its future. The author is calling for PARTRIOTS FROM THE GENERAL PUBLIC, THE GOVERNMENT AND THE CHURCH to order copies of this book for distribution or gifting others with the knowledge that will unify all of us as individuals and the Nation at Large.

As an Author and Messenger of God, I feel I have fulfilled one of God’s tasks upon my life to deliver the first part of His message to the Nation. Second Edition of this work will be following soon. I therefore encourage the Clergy: Bishops, Reverends, and Pastors, Elders and Deacons and workers in the House of God to grab a copy of this book.

I am appealing to those in Government and State House to get copies of this book. Know what is in the hearts and minds of the people being governed; know also what God’s ways are like in dealing with Nations and people He created.

The Tower of Babel was a success because people had the same progressive understanding; they spoke one language which was undivided, their vision about the height of the tower was conceived by all in unison. When people speak the same language, they understand what matters for all and nothing can seem impossible. Let's assimilate the contents of this book, and decipher therefrom what to take home with, and what not to take.

"If Zambia is to be a Panorama of a Christian Nation; The Whole Counsel, Zambia”.

As the title implies, you can never at this time find the themes embedded in this book all at once in one place or locality elsewhere. The concept has been built from the various conceptions and misconceptions of the Christian Nationhood of our Nation Zambia.

Going forward, this book is a model of reflection for any Nation of the World, Africa, and indeed any institution considering and pondering on the dynamics of declaring a Nation as Christian or indeed establishing religion, especially Christianity as a National Religion.

This book elaborates issues from the roots of this country's (Zambia’s) pre-colonial foundations, period immediately before Independence, period immediately after Independence, development of religion generally, the God factor and His identity and it's intersection, Zambia's Christianity progression from Kenneth Kaunda's Humanism Theosophy, State relations with the Church, disintegration of the Church; World Perspective, the Church separation, separation of State and Church; World Perspective, World silent models of Christian Nationhood, unity of Nations in Africa and Zambia inclusive; some common and important governance issues and hiccups in Zambia, National Unity, Africa' Problems and solutions, the colonial factor; narratives and the stories, etc.

This book will bring to the fore the thoughtful ideals for creating an understanding of the basis for assent or dissenting from the floated notorious prepositions and propositions regarding the subject. This book creates a consensus or reasoning for what is generally propagated by the Majority of the people of Zambia.

Look out for links to the nearest bookstores in your country.

I encourage our brothers and sisters in the diaspora to grab this book and be abreast of what the foundation of National Unity and Building should be like at home.

I personally pledge Four Thousand Kwacha towards buying 10 Copies of the book which will be gifted to 10 BISHOPS, REVERENDS and PASTORS. These are only but, a few of our Fathers in the Faith of Jesus Christ.

AS YOU MAKE THE DECISION TO ORDER OR BUY THE BOOK, Kindly know that you will help to become a VOICE of reason in not only Christian Matters, but also for the objective existence of institutions of men in our societies and of our Nation. The Bible says; blessed are the Peace Makers for they will be called Children of God. This, we already are.

Have you ever wanted to express a National opinion but you lacked corroboration for your voice to be heard? Join many reasonable men and women for progressive National Goals through the spirit of understanding and oneness. Your humanity feels needs to become common among many others with the same belief, faith or opinion as yours. Let's join the feel of many faithfuls and believers in what you believe to consolidate the objective of what you wish to relay out there and to the Nation.

This Book will show many of us of what to push for, demand for and look for, instead of wasting time on rhetorical arguments and academic public shows or displays.Through all the times I have been researching about where Zambia as a Nation has been missing it regarding attaining her greatness ( Advancement and Development), I have come to realize how that the Nation has lost one of her simple but very important ingredient towards her Self Actualization; which is the ‘Country’s National Identity’.

The price of Harmony and peace cannot be measured by cash money or many material Possessions but by simple things like understanding, ability to listen, empathy, being considerate, awareness of Karma, humanness, equity, Justice in all its forms (including distributive justice), happiness etc. No money can purchase these things. We must be deliberate to consider what kind of future and society every one of us will be happy to live in.

Get this book; let us redeem the future for what we envision for ourselves, and our children and their children's children. Get this book so we can reach a consensus of how we can reach for the unified goal, object and purposes for us as individuals and for the Nation at large.

One Zambia, One Nation.


Book Title: If Zambia is to be a Panorama of a Christian Nation.

Book Subtitles: The Whole Counsel, Zambia.

Audience: Church Leaders, Government Leaders, Civic Leaders and all Concerned with the Christian Nationhood of Zambia, and those interested in the current and future unity of this country.

Genre: Non-fiction.

Category; Religion, Politics, Governance and History.

Number of Chapters: 40.

Number. of Pages: 566.

Number. of Words: 170,153.

Size: 6 by 9 Inches.


The Author is a Pastor, Lawyer, Christian Counsellor and Publisher.

CONTACT THE AUTHOR: +260974731011 OR +260966730015.

Author: Zengani Zimba.


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